Sonntag, 20. Februar 2011

back in white

I'm back in Switzerland
hello schaffhausen

but Ok. they weather is not as good as it was in Colombo but rainseason just started there.
had a very delicious fondue yesterday. but there is still one thing I want to do. To see my friends
I go now. cu soon

Donnerstag, 17. Februar 2011

Colombo fever goes Doha pearl

thank you for reading this blog. But soon you have to find another blog to read. In 18 hours I take my plane to Doha. There I will have a look at the works for the Football World Cup. I gonna check if they do a good job. I will stay at Doha Pearl to taste the Arabic Riviera life.
How comes? Well when I was in Colombo I met the boss of Doha Tourism. We were talking for hours and hours having beer after beer and he told me that they would have some problems with this project (Pearl) So I will be the trouble shooter and help them out.I will get a superb salary and a house on this small island you can see at picture 32 my home
So after this one hour 45 minutes dream at Doha airport I have my connecting flight to Zurich. So Switzerland be prepaired. I 'll  be back on Feb 19th 2011.

What about my blog? I will see. I think I will travel a lot more and I kind of like to write my thoughts down during travelling, We'll see

So long

a trip to a friends home

jackfruit with coconut, beer with brandy

best friends, great barkeepers - Sarath and Pradeep

Freitag, 11. Februar 2011

an island for big city life

hi folks
yes its true something is happening in my life. There is a big change in my life. Its probably the biggest change I've ever had. But I start from the beginning.

I quited my job on Vakarufalhi on Feb 5th and flew directly to Colombo, Sri Lanka. It's a one and half hour flight to this whole different life.

Here's a list of things that changed in my life:
  • I can't see the end of the island anymore
  • there are a lot of people
  • the hotel I'm staying has a pool
  • the main spoken language is english (not Italian as before)
  • there are streets, cars, and even some trains
  • the biggest change is: I sometimes have to wear shoes!!!!!!

Lindli of Colombo
Colombo or Mount Lavinia is a nice place. It's so different than Maldives of course. I like this city. I'm feeling at home. No worries I'm not staying my whole life here. I'm coming back soon. But first I like to feed you with some pictures.....

 Sunset from the roof of Palm Beach Hotel

Sri Lankan Lion...?

World Trade Centre in Colombo

Sonntag, 6. Februar 2011

Ausflüge und ausgeflogen

schräge Insel - Angaga
Newport ffeling auf den Malediven - made by Sentara


good bye
AMBA - I'll never forget these crazy musicians