Donnerstag, 12. November 2015

Apuglia - Italys South

view from the masseria 
In mid July I took a change to go for another study-trip. This time to Italy.

Since years Italy is very popular to travel around or for holidays in a resort. I do not have to tell you anything about Tuscany (ups, I allready did in another post), the Piemont or cities like rome or Venice.
The more south you go the less friends or relatives had been there before. I did not know anything about the region of Apulia before the trip.

During the trip I had to visit about 30 hotels including different room types, spas, pools, restaurants and so on... Yes, you are right: it was so boring and so exhausting. There was no freetime except in the evenings.

Nevertheless I would like to share on particular experience I made. Italy is full of these old former farming houses, they are called Masseria. A big number of them has been rebuilt into hotels or restaurants.
We made a lunch stop in the Masseria Le Stanzie. The food was very delicious and typical for Italy I took for ever. So much food, so much wine.

trulli in Albarobello
They grow the food on the fields around the Masseria. It's all fresh and local. If you are in the region of Supersano take a change and reserve a table in the Masseria. It's small and they are not open every day.

Another must see in Apulia is Albarobello. There are hundreds of Trullis in the old town. Most of them are shops, restaurants but a lot of them are still houses were people live in. Some of them are rented for tourists. These are the typical houses there.

As every where in Apulia plants mainly vegetables were grown. And of course I forgot the vine. Well just go down there for a couple of days and enjoy the food, the vine and last but not least the sun.

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