Dienstag, 19. September 2017

Saxony - secret love

Ever since he heard the special dialect the first time he was not only amused he wanted to hear it all day long. As I love travelling so much I decided to help him out. So I booked the flights and called our good friends. I did not make any plan for this trip. As you know it has been a long time since my last journey. (Well I did one trip but it was not worth writing about I am sorry.) I just wanted to go away from home.

Saxony is a federal state of Germany and lies north of Bavaria and on the boarder to the Czech Republic. Yes one of the states of former German Democratic Republic. But it is not everything related to history or politics in my life. I wanted to see Dresden, Leipzig and the Saxon Switzerland.
No it is no part of Switzerland I am still talking about Germany ;-) A beautiful landscape opens on the way from Dresden to Prague with mountains, rivers and large forests  caleld the Saxon Switzerland.
A fully packed plan for only four days. Two friends, four days and not much of an idea....
Südfriedhof Leipzig

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