Sonntag, 9. Dezember 2018

what to do?

There are so many reasons to visit Mauritius. It is well known for Honeymoon as hotels give very attractive offers. There are lots of beautifully laid golf courses, the conditions for water sports are already explained, you can go hiking, fishing, biking or sightseeing.
in the north

We staid for one week on the island and decided to take two hotels one in the west and one in the south. On the day we changed we drove north instead of south. Our plan was to see the north and east of the island. It took us the whole day but it was worth. Thanks again to my driver :-)

We went shopping in Grand Baie, we stopped on deserted beaches up north and east and we tuned in to a reggae show an the radio and we sang along enthusiastically because everybody on the road did so. Maybe we just wished so but it was so much fun.

On another day we went hiking. We first went to Black River Gorges National Park. It is very steep but very green and the river was of a colour of coca cola. But I did not take to much attention as I had a problem. After the first steps the sole of my shoes felt apart. I had to find a solution.....

my dear old fellow ;-)
Black River Gorges N.P.

The next hike was very interesting and my favorite one. Ebony Forest just south of Black River N.P. is a project to fight the invasive plants and to give more space to ebony and other native species. As we did not have to much time and a broken shoe we basically had to run up the steep and narrow path to the top. So we did not take the tour or visited the museum. I will do that the next time for sure.
It takes approx 40 minutes we were told. It took us 25! Breathtaking view from the top.

The last hike took us on the famous Le Morne Brabant in the south. To reach the top you need a
guide. We made it up to the shoulder were the stunning view could not really been capture with the camera.

All those hikes were quite easy but worth. There are no snakes are any other dangerous animals on the island.
from top of Ebony forest - mountain in the back is Le Morne Brabant

Another sight was 7 colored earth near Chamarel. Just beautiful. I can't tell much more, because even scientist do not know exactly how and why. Sometimes it is just better to not know as it gives room for your fantasy I think.

So what about you? When are you exploring Mauritius?

Seven colored earth

accomodation in paradise

lunch with birds in Lakaz Chamarel in the hilly south
The first 4 days on the island I had the chance to visit hotels, villas and apartments. You find everything from the small sell-catering apartment to the high class 5 star all inclusive resort. There are the beach hotels and the mountain lodges. So if you stay a week or more I suggest to mix north, south, east and west beach or country side.

Although the island is quite small the diversity of the vegetation and the scenery is very huge and interesting. For example around Grand Baie in the west where most of the hotels are located there is variety of shops, restaurants and bars. In the east and south it is much more calm and more original. The north is windy and more flat and in the south its quite hilly and green.

In the south you will find the best spots for water activities such as kite- and windsurfing. In a lost of hotels these things are included in the package.

Getting there and around

China Town in Port Louis
As Mauritius is an island you have to fly there. From Switzerland Edelweiss Air flies non stopp and then you have several airlines with good connections such as Qatar and Emirates. Tanzania and Kenya are not very far away so lots of people combine a safari and go then for the beaches on Mauritius.

The roads on Mauritius are quite good. In the hearth of the island around Port Louis the capital there are some lets call it highways. During rush hour they get stuck very easily. So plan your trip well. There are buses running but most of the tourist get a rental car or take part of an organized excursion.

our rental car
I really recommend a rental car for some days. You would miss a lot by just staying in the hotel. There are lots of villas and houses you can rent and for these people the car is a must. But don't forget you drive on the left...

Mittwoch, 31. Oktober 2018

Mauritius - angels teardrop in the Indian Ocean

White sandy beaches, huge palm trees and the ocean so blue you might think you are swimming in blue skies. That is Mauritius as everybody knows it from pictures. Since my first trip to the island I have to admit: yes they might use photoshop etc. but wisely and not to often. The island just looks like that.

I went to this small paradise in September 2018. Part of the trip was business and the bigger part was holiday. Business because I start working for a tour operator specialized in destinations in Indian Ocean, East- & Westafrica including Morocco and Arabia.

So he sent me first things there to see hotels, get to known our agency and to get a feeling for Mauritius. Who wouldn't say yes to this?

overview from Ebony Forest near Chamarel
Mauritius has about the same size than the Kanton of Zurich lies in the Indian Ocean next to Madagaskar and except the beaches and the ocean it offers a variety of green mountains for hiking, climbing etc, wind for all kinds of water sports and of course lots of golf courses.

So I packed my bag and flew down their. Ah, well I have to add that they are south of the equator so it was winter. Nevertheless it was between 22 und 30Celsuis. Love it :-)

Mittwoch, 25. Juli 2018

short visit to Nuremberg

As every year we go for this short trip. Again we went to a German city. This the train took us to Nuremberg in Bavaria.

What a nice city! What a lively city! And so many easy going people.

The train ride from Schaffhausen took a bout 4hrs. We had to change in Stuttgart only. I suggest you to make a seat reservation as the trains are always fullypacked.

After this long journey I decided to walk to our hotel (sorry my dear friend ;-) I took 40 minutes passing new town and downtown. We stayed at the Centro Hotel which is a 10 minutes walk to the castle and old town.
If you stay there make a booking request for the groundfloor rooms that way you can enjoy a terrace (no view) but perfect for smoking....

The city is not too big you can easily explore it by foot or tram for longer distances. Taxis are quite cheap too.

 Burggarten with tower 
Nuremberg is a very green city with lots of parks. One park we visited is called Hesperiden Garden. Centuries ago Nuremberg had like a green belt around itself. The city tries to rebuild these gardens. If there is a house on the former belt that is beiing demolished the city tries to buy the land and rebuilds the garden. Hesperids Garden refers to ancient greek mythology where the Hesperides protect the garden were there is a golden apple.

Another interesting thing is a part of the wall they put on a square. People should remember what happened. The funny thing is lots of inhabitants do not know that there is a part of the wall ;-)

You need any recomandations for a good bar or restaurant?
Well to try the famous nuremberg sausages go to Goldenes Posthorn next to Sankt Sebaldus Church.
For good meat and beer i suggest Hütt'n which is close by the Tiergärtnertor.

In Summer evenings you will find lots of people sitting next to the Tiergärtnertor having a beer or two.
In the mood for party? Well I just checked out one club in Nuremberg. Z-Bau is the name. They had a great Funky DJ. We were dancing till early in the morning and had such a great time.

There was the city beach for a good beer nd drink during day. They had the Africa Festival. Beergardens and so on.

Nuremberg you are awesome!!!!

Freitag, 1. Juni 2018

sail away in pictures

Cavtat Croatia - beautiful small town

Crkva Sv. Matije, near Kotor Monetenegro

very good restaurant in Kotor Cesarica

our sailing yacht

entering the port of Brindisi IT after a looooong night 

sail away - join the crew

My first sailing trip took me from Dubrovnik in Croatia to Brindisi in Italy.
It took one week. We stopped in Montenegro, Albania and Italy.

Lets start from the very first idea of this trip. A friend of mine has a sailing yacht that had to be moved as the rent in the harbour of Venice was too expensive. So he decided to bring the ship to a cheaper place somewhere south in Italy. As the trip takes several weeks he asked friends to join the crew. Five friends including him as the captain/skipper sailed from Dubrovnik with several stops to Brindisi.

The initial route was: Dubrovnik (Croatia), Kotor (Montenegro), Bari (Italy), Monopoli (IT) and Brindisi (IT). According to the wheater and the time we had left we ajusted the plan each day. That was actually very interesting. The whole crew planned the journey each evening. Most of the days we did not have enough wind to sail so we had to swich on the engine. In the middle of the week we realised that the wheater is going to change and a big thunder storm is going to hit us. We decided to change the route and sail/cruise further directly from Bar (Montenegro) to Durres (Albania). That was quite exhausting to be on sea the whole day long. In Durres we stayed for two days and explored the city and bought a lot of food and water.

In the evening of the third day we started our journey to Italy. One hour after we left the thunderstorm begun. Luky as we were the storm stayed on the albanian coast. So we did not have any rain.

We had two teams to work in shifts during that long night. 3h working 3h sleeping. It took around 12h to reach the italian coast.

Enough routeplanning, geopraphy and technical details. It is not possible to describe the feeling you have when you are sailing.     -     Freedom! Peace! Relaxation!   but well I gonna let pictures do the rest.

Freitag, 11. Mai 2018

Stonetown - living history

After the Pemba trip we continued our journey to Zanzibar and its main city and old town Stonetown.
Zanzibar Town 

A vibrant city peppered with historical buildings, an interesting museum, colorful markets and so on

If you have one day or even less to spend in Stonetown I recomend you to do a city tour. During the day you can easily do that on your own. Certainly you will be asked if you need a guide every other minute. There are german speaking guides as well as french, english....

former embassy of Germany
You should at least visit the museum about slavery and the market. Zanzibar was an important city centuries before. Spices and fruits were and still are the main export goods. As the infrastructure was good they began to export slaves to countries all around the indian ocean. The museum tells the story and you can see the cave were they waited.....

The market is just nextdoors. Get some spieces and honey I sad to myself. And I did :-)
There is also a night market next to the harbour. It is all about food, meat on a skewer. Good fruit juices and sweets.

After a few hours we returned to Switzerland. So I have to come back and explore the rest of the island. And more of Stonetown. I love this city!

so more tips will be postet some day.....

Relaxing days on Pemba

The reason for my short trip to Tanzania was the opening of a hotel on Pemba Island. I was invited by Constance Hotels and Lets go Tours. Constance Aiyana is quite new and during the rany season they took the oportunity to invite some travel agents to see and get familiar with the new resort.

I do not want to talk to much about the hotel. Follow the link and explore the hotel for yourself.

We had a spacious room next to the beach and enjoyed some peacefull days.
my terrace

What to do on Pemba? Well there is not much to do to be honest. Ride a bike to a village and go to the market. Pemba is well known for diving and snorkeling.
We took a change and made a boat tour to the mangroves. Another trip took us to a sandsank for lunch.

The food was amazing an the staff was very warm and friendly.

You see we had lot to do ;-)

Thanks again for this amazing trip, the hospitality and the great food!
breakfast will be seved shortly 

Pemba island - heaven on earth

Sitting in the cockpit :-) 
Wow! Quite, green, authentic and a luxury hotel. A dream!

Pemba means green and so is the island. There is actually one main road leading north. It is like the hearth of the island because everybody lives next to it.

Only three hotels are on this island so there are no masses of tourists.

You reach Pemba with a domestic flight from Stonetown on Zanzibar. A small plane approx. 13 seats flies you there in 30 minutes.
on Pembas lifeline 

From the airstrip we drove 1.5h to the very north were the hotel is located. The last 30 minutes is a gravel road that leas through Ngezy Forest a protectet forest.
So quite a long trip but I can tell you it was worth it.

Donnerstag, 19. April 2018

preparing to leave and explore

Hi Folks
It has been a long time since my last journey. Too long!
I have to change that. I am going to leave this night from Zurich heading the south.

Pemba Island is the destination. A small island in the Indian ocean. It lies north of Zanzibar and belongs to Tanzania.

Bags are packed and there are some blank pages left in the passport. I am happy to see and explore. Can't wait!