Mittwoch, 31. Oktober 2018

Mauritius - angels teardrop in the Indian Ocean

White sandy beaches, huge palm trees and the ocean so blue you might think you are swimming in blue skies. That is Mauritius as everybody knows it from pictures. Since my first trip to the island I have to admit: yes they might use photoshop etc. but wisely and not to often. The island just looks like that.

I went to this small paradise in September 2018. Part of the trip was business and the bigger part was holiday. Business because I start working for a tour operator specialized in destinations in Indian Ocean, East- & Westafrica including Morocco and Arabia.

So he sent me first things there to see hotels, get to known our agency and to get a feeling for Mauritius. Who wouldn't say yes to this?

overview from Ebony Forest near Chamarel
Mauritius has about the same size than the Kanton of Zurich lies in the Indian Ocean next to Madagaskar and except the beaches and the ocean it offers a variety of green mountains for hiking, climbing etc, wind for all kinds of water sports and of course lots of golf courses.

So I packed my bag and flew down their. Ah, well I have to add that they are south of the equator so it was winter. Nevertheless it was between 22 und 30Celsuis. Love it :-)

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